Let me tell you a story...



My first passion in life is ..serving people… and being a lifelong learner!
I’ve always had so many challenges in life… Like being picked last when we were playing pick up baseball and basically in almost every other category of life… Except entertaining. (I was challenged with book learning throughout most of my elementary school experience… Of course this did not make life any easier for me.) And so it has become a lifelong labor of love to be the best motivational speaker,  trainer/coach in the universe.

My first public speech was at age 4 and I was terrified. How terrified you ask??? Instead of reciting my four line Christmas speech… After much prompting, I blurted out… (Mom, I must Pee!) It’s an event that people are still talking and laughing about… To this very day!

Despite that terrifying experience, my aunt persisted and basically started bribing me with some cash incentives… so I would not stop learning the art of public speaking…Thank God for aunt Blanche!

Because of her persistence I went on to have major roles in elementary, junior and senior high school productions.(And became the class clown… Imagine that!)

When I failed to get in to Penn Sate by one SAT point… God opened the door to broadcasting school. I was the first ever in my school district to choose this career field and once again I was quite… Overwhelmed and terrified.

God gave me the two best parents I could ever want and they supported me in this new field of endeavor! (While many folks in our small community considered it... An outrageous decision.)

After years and thousands of hours of practice… I was blessed to be a member of the Armed Forces Thailand and Philippines radio and TV networks. Then the sports director at the local ABC TV affiliate. I was blessed to build, own and operate several radio stations over a 30 year timeframe.


And now… I continue my efforts as a lifelong learner to enter the wonderful world of podcasting and online communication training. This has been another labor of love, that well help many people overcome their fear and terror of public speaking.

Thank you for joining us here at

We look forward to serving you in whatever capacity you may need.

Make today the most Fantastik day of your life!

James Fantastik Hepler

Now combining this background with the proven Life Mastery technology, James is helping clients achieve extraordinary results in accelerated time. He is filled with joy and gratitude as he works with people to transform their lives and close the gap between the life they were living and the life they LOVE living.

James offers content rich courses that take participants on a journey in which they design, define, test, and experience a crystal clear vision of the life they would love – a life that is in alignment with their highest purpose. They will have a unique opportunity to “step into” the life they are imagining and feel a resounding “yes, this is the life I have been longing to live.”


Enjoy 10 Highly Effective Communication Course Tips!

Yes, LOTS and LOTS of great content to make you the prolific public speaker and competent communicator that you always dreamed of being.

Take the next step… Today!